Saturday, March 5, 2022


My boyfriend's family is toxic as all hell. This year it was him, his mom, his older sister and her friend, his younger sister and her girlfriend, then me. Elsewhere, his cousin went crazy after getting drunk (mean volatile alcoholic). Her daughter called weeping and unsure of what to do. My boyfriend and the rest of the lot were going to leave it up to her to get out of it even though she had no access to a car. They have a habit of leaving kids in abusive situations and I have had enough of it. So I said if you won't go get her, I fucking will. I told them they had a fucking responsibility to protect the kids because no one protected them. Honestly, it was too long of a "discussion". Finally, I pulled some sort of empathy out of them and we (his little sister and her girlfriend, then I) got the daughter out of the house. The poor girl was broken down and I was reminded of myself at that age. She is no longer allowed in her house. I'm hoping everyone who is a little less toxic will help her. If I were this girl though, I'd start making plans to leave the whole bunch.

As for me, I think I've made a terrible mistake. I came from an abusive, toxic family. I really didn't want to end up back here. I fucking hate this time of year.


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