Wednesday, April 18, 2012

No Improvements.

As scattered as my thoughts are it is so very clear to me that I need to leave. For a week, two weeks, a month. I just need to go. I yearn for the ocean and sunshine. I yearn for understanding. Of myself, and life. But life as it is, keeps me rooted in the very place that sucks away my light. Jobs and my parents. It makes me angry that I can't make a choice to leave because of anchors. Holding me down from flying free. My self discovery shall never happen if I cannot be light as a feather. Right now, my anchors are my enemies.

I wish I was brave enough to just go. And say fuck these jobs that I hate anyway. And parents that will get over it in the long run. I am starting college in the fall, and after that I will never have the chance to be free. Why can't my parents just understand.

I need to go before I lose it. That robber took from me, but he also gave me something. The realization that I have not done enough to die happy.


  1. nothing is strong enough to hold back wings girl. get them flappin and head out to hawaii. it'd be a perfect little get a way from hell.

  2. My family has been really struggling with my situation as well. They know I need a vacation. And I'm starting college again in the fall, so HOPEFULLY they will send me on a getaway. I'd LOVE to get to Hawaii. OMG.
