Monday, April 25, 2022

My Last Week


This last week has been a lot. Amongst everything going on, this morning I realized I forgot to think about Kori on Earth Day.

On April 22, 2015, Kori May was stolen from this earth by a semi-truck driver who hit her head on. 

Kori knew who she was. She never questioned the image she portrayed and felt no need to apologize in a world that convinces young girls that we always have something to apologize for. She would capture photos and moments of us, but I'm sad to say I have no pictures with her outside of our 9th Grade panorama and from our photoshoot as "The Seven Deadly Sins". I am not in possession of these things, but I am manifesting that they will reappear back in my life.

Kori always surprised her friends with cute little notes or a gift she had made with her own love and care. Kori loved plants and always learned everything she could about any new addition to her family. She once bought a Venis Fly Trap which we named "Nom Nom Nom". When the lil' guy didn't make it, she made sure I knew because she knew I would want to know. She just did, without being asked. That's the kind of person she was. She had goals, dreams, and desires. She went after each and every moment. She built the life she wanted. She left Utah and always encouraged me to do the same. She reminded me often that there was a whole big-ass world out there and that I needed to see it. She would randomly write me loving, inspirational, and thoughtful messages. They always came when I needed them most. She was so aware of everything. She cared about animals and lived a life that showed that. She cared about the environment and our Mother Earth.

The irony of her death being on Earth Day
was not lost on most of us.
So yeah, I will live a better life because she can't.

Kori May

November 25, 1990-April 22, 2015

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