Thursday, April 28, 2011


I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad.
I have not been this sad since, well, you all know who.
Except this time, I am not angry along with sad.
So it's sucks so much more.
Anger where are you when I need you?
Oh, that's right...

Thank You Pristiq.
You do wonders, I would much rather be sad than angry. ;)

Gahhhhhhhh, I just want to scream. It's so much easier to be okay when you are out doing stuff. But now I am stuck with my thoughts, my heart, and food. Food that I could emotionally devour right now, but I shant.

I still haven't really, really cried. Except for this space of 30 seconds that was really pathetic, and I am glad no one walked in on me. I think I need to weep. Does anyone want to watch The Notebook with me?

please. :/

1 comment:

  1. I <3 The Notebook. :P You need to eat too sweet girl. You are seriously think and beautiful. You shouldn't worry about that so much. <3
