Sunday, July 24, 2011

Brooke Button.

Sometimes I literally feel like I'm Benjamin Button.
My body should be young and alive, but instead it's like an 80 year old woman's body.
What 20 year old gets ulcers?
What 20 year old has arthritis in their fingers and hands?
What 20 year old is ready to go to bed at 9:30?
And I know I should stop complaining because things could be worse...
I could be bald.... *shudder.

In other news,
Grandfather Moomchi may be coming to see us next month. I am so excited to meet the man that gave me my Iranian blood. Like, REALLY excited. I don't think anyone gets it. My family thinks I'm weird for already naming the grandfather I've never met. Psh, I think it's lovely. Does it get me some points Grandfather Moomchi? Because I would LOVE a nose job. *smile&blinky eyes*.

Also, my mother bought me a sort of... "self help" book. All because I found this book at the Orem library called: My Big Nose and other natural disasters THIS book called out to me. Really, it did. But I can't say I hated getting the "self help" book, I was ready to high light the sh*t out of it.

And last, but not least... for anyone that is a facebook friend you may have noticed my profile-ish pictures. As much as I cannot accept my big nose... I also can. It's become easier for me to be okay with a picture of me. Now, don't get excited, I will NEVER love or even like my nose, but this whole knowing for sure that I am Iranian has made my nose more... exotically acceptable. Too bad I'm in America...

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