Wednesday, August 15, 2012

College, Parents, Crapload of Suckfest...

As of 10 minutes ago I am officially unregistered for college. I put that I would be returning in the fall of 2013, but let us get real people. My life never works out that smoothly. I cannot even find a job. I have no criminal past, I am a hard worker, and I have had a variety of jobs. But I am not finding a job.

My phone bill was due on the 13th.

I still have $125 left to pay off on my credit card.

And I honestly cannot sale anymore of my clothes. My closet size was already cut in half. HALF.

I've been telling myself that it's okay because worldly items don't matter in the end. I mean, what is better:

A backpack of things that you really depend on?
Or a closet of shit you never wear?

But really, my parents left me to rot. They don't care if I have to sale my possessions or sign up and become a test puppet for the flu vaccine.

If I become a zombie...