Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Unconditional Love.

After having hard facts hit me today (although I have known for years and years) I decided to look up a quote that could maybe help me feel better. As I read this I thought. YES! Exactly! Then I got down to who said this lovely quote...
and laughed.
But hey, he didn't write it. He just read what was given to him. So yes, I still like this quote. And it expresses my beliefs so well. Plus, an even bigger bonus, maybe my parents will believe it because it came from him.

"The greatest gift a parent can give a child is unconditional love. As a child wanders and strays, finding his bearings, he needs a sense of absolute love from a parent. There’s nothing wrong with tough love, as long as the love is unconditional."

-George W. Bush

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